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Web Viewer

AIS-catcher -N port [setting value] ...


AIS-catcher includes a simple web interface. A live demo is available for East Boston, US. The web interface gratefully uses the following libraries: chart.js, chart.js annotation plugin, leaflet, Material Design Icons, tabulator, marked and flag-icons.

Make sure you use the latest version and start the web viewer as follows:

AIS-catcher -N 8100
where 8100 is the port number. If your machine network name is raspberrypi, e.g., then enter raspberrypi:8100 in your browser. On the web page, you will find several sections with information related to the station and received messages.

For users wishing to include a station name and a link to an external website in the Statistics section:

This could be a useful option if you want to offer the interface externally. To display the reception range and distances from your station, provide the program with the station coordinates and permission to share the location with the web viewer:
AIS-catcher -N LAT 50 LON 3.141592 SHARE_LOC on
The last option share_loc (default is off) will allow the web viewer to access and display the location.

The user can make a page in markdown format. The content will be shown in the About tab of the web viewer:

AIS-catcher -N 8100 ABOUT
All these options can be captured in the configuration file (in a section with name server), see below.

The main menu behind the hamburger icon in the top left corner navigates between different functional areas. Context-sensitive menus, accessible through right-click, long press on iOS, or the vertical dot icon on the map, offer more functionalities. Here you can set options like activating the "dark mode" theme, displaying the station range on the map, locking/unlocking the map center, toggling text-only ship labels, decluttering ship labels, and viewing details of the last message received from a vessel, amongst others.


When AIS-catcher receives data containing a vessel's dimensions but can not determine the direction it is pointing (heading), it will display a circle that accommodates the ship's dimensions regardless of heading. Missing heading information is common for Class B ships. If there's a decent approximation available for the heading, such as course-over-ground above certain speeds, it will be used. Shapes plotted using this approximation will have a dashed border, indicating incomplete information. An example is the USS Constitution docked in Boston.

In the map section, clicking on a vessel will open a ship card with details of the vessel. For smaller screens it can be minimized in the top bar (via the ^ symbol or by clicking on the header bar). The ship card will open minimized on mobile devices. In its maximized form, users can choose which rows will be visible in the minimized state. Additional options, such as looking up the vessel on aggregator sites, are available by clicking the three-dot icon on the ship card header.


The web-interface shows a "validation" indication at the left border of the ship card header.

AIS-catcher analyzes an enormous stream of bits per day for both AIS channels (2 to the power 33 to be precise). To avoid erroneous messages, the AIS system employs a 16-bit CRC and matching of other bit patterns. Unfortunately, purely statistically this cannot prevent that there will be an occasional technically correct but nonsense message. These are typically easy to recognize (e.g. looking at the signal level, and location on the map) and aggregator sites like MarineTraffic will filter these out.

To reliably measure the reception range for the station in the web interface, AIS-catcher has implemented a "validation function" that checks the location of the vessel for consistency between messages and flags if there is an inconsistency. Practically speaking, if we receive a position from an MMSI that is relatively close to the last received position, the "validation" indicator will be green and the distance to the station will be included to determine the station range. Please note that messages within 50 NMi from the receiving station will always be included for range setting. The validation indicator will be grey if validation for the location cannot be performed and red if it is not successful.


The Plot section contains several visualizations to assess the performance of the receiver:

Restarting AIS-catcher typically erases history in the graphs. To retain plot "state" and backup the information to a file use the following:

AIS-catcher -N 8100 FILE stat.bin BACKUP 10
This will back up the plots when the program closes and every 10 minutes in a file stat.bin. The minimum backup interval is 5 minutes.

Custom plugins and styles...

To give the user the option to tweak the look-and-feel and functionality of the web viewer and/or modify for example the color scheme or regional preferences, the program provides the option to inject custom plugins (JavaScript) and CSS into the website, with a command like:

AIS-catcher -N 8100 PLUGIN plugin1.js PLUGIN plugin2.js STYLE mystyle.css
You can also include all plugin files from a specific directory using the command:
AIS-catcher -N 8100 PLUGIN_DIR /usr/share/aiscatcher/plugins
Files need to have the extension .pjs and .pss for respectively JavaScript and CSS style plugins. The repository includes a few example plugins that demonstrate how to add additional maps or cater to regional preferences. Examples of plugins can be found in another GitHub repository.

Offline web viewer

There is an option to run the web viewer without relying on online libraries. This facilitates using the web interface whilst traveling without an internet connection. The steps are simple. First, go to your home directory (say /home/jasper) and clone the necessary offline web assets:

git clone
This will create a directory webassets that we need to share with AIS-catcher as an alternative location for online web content with the CDN argument followed by the location of the web assets directory:
AIS-catcher -N 8100 CDN /home/jasper/webassets
Offline maps can also be included in mbtiles format:
AIS-catcher  -N 8100 MBTILES filename
or as an overlay
AIS-catcher  -N 8100 MBOVERLAY filename

Sending data to Prometheus for use in Grafana dashboards

You can add the option PROME on to the web configuration command to start rendering Prometheus-compatible statistics at /metrics. For example:

AIS-catcher -N 8100 PROME on

For more information on how to configure Prometheus and Grafana to get an initial dashboard, see

Summary Settings

Server Options:

Key Type Default Description
PORT integer - Single port for web server
PORT_MIN integer - Minimum port in binding range
PORT_MAX integer - Maximum port in binding range
IP_BIND string - Server binding IP address
REUSE_PORT boolean false Enable port reuse
ZLIB boolean true Enable response compression
Location Settings
LAT float - Station latitude
LON float - Station longitude
SHARE_LOC boolean false Share station location
USE_GPS boolean false Use GPS data
OWN_MMSI integer - Own vessel MMSI
Data Management
HISTORY integer - History retention (5-43200 sec)
CUTOFF integer - Data retention threshold (0-10000)
BACKUP integer -1 Backup interval (5-2880 min)
FILE string - Statistics file path
REALTIME boolean false Enable real-time updates
Output Formats
KML boolean false Enable KML output
GEOJSON boolean false Enable GeoJSON output
PROME boolean false Enable Prometheus metrics
MESSAGE boolean false Enable message saving
UI Customization
STATION string - Station display name
STATION_LINK string - Station info URL
CDN string - Local CDN resources path
MBTILES string - Offline map in mbtiles format
MBOVERLAY string - Offline overlay in mbtiles format
PLUGIN string - JavaScript plugin path
STYLE string - CSS style path
PLUGIN_DIR string - Plugins directory
ABOUT string - About page path