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AIS-catcher -u host port [setting value] ...

AIS messages can be forwarded between applications over UDP via the -u switch and as a TCP Client using -P. To send data to a port at a specific server, we can use:

AIS-catcher -u 4002
The command accepts additonal parameters, e.g. to send NMEA messages packaged in a JSON object:
AIS-catcher -u 4002 JSON on
Most external programs will not be able to accept these JSON-packaged NMEA strings. It is a way to transfer received messages between AIS-catcher instances without losing metadata like the timestamp, ppm correction and signal level. These are not captured in the standard NMEA strings. Another option for UDP sending via -u is BROADCAST on/off to enable sending to broadcast addresses.

Summary Settimgs

Key Type Default Description
HOST string - Target UDP host address
PORT string - Target UDP port
JSON boolean false Enable JSON output format
BROADCAST boolean false Enable broadcast mode
RESET integer -1 Socket reset interval in minutes (1-1440)
UUID string - Unique identifier (must be valid UUID)