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Input over TCP

AIS-catcher -t url -gt [setting value] ...
AIS-catcher -t host port -gt [setting value] ...
AIS-catcher -t protocol host port -gt [setting value] ...

Input over TCP with various protocols can be done with -t followed by the URL of the server. As an example, to read raw NMEA from a TCP server we can use:

AIS-catcher -t txt://

Various protocols are supported as input. The table below lists the available protocols and their descriptions:

Protocol Description Protocol Description
txt NMEA0183 mqtt MQTT
gpsd GPSD server wsmqtt MQTT over WS
rtltcp Connecting to an RTL-TCP server

Use the appropriate protocol based on your server's configuration and data format.

Summary Settings

Key Type Default Description
Generic Options
SAMPLE_RATE integer 288K Sampling rate in Hz (0-20,000,000)
BANDWIDTH integer 0 Tuner bandwidth in Hz (0-1,000,000)
FREQOFFSET integer 0 Frequency correction in PPM (-150 to +150)
FORMAT string CU8 Data type for input source
Specific Options
HOST string - Remote host address
PORT string - Remote port number
URL string - Complete URL including protocol and credentials
TCP Options
PERSISTENT boolean true Keep connection alive after errors
KEEP_ALIVE boolean false Enable TCP keepalive
RESET integer -1 Reset connection after N minutes (-1=never)
TIMEOUT integer 0 Connection timeout in seconds
WebSocket Options
PROTOCOLS string mqtt WebSocket sub-protocols
BINARY boolean on Enable binary WebSocket mode
ORIGIN string - Origin header for WebSocket
MQTT Options
TOPIC string ais/data MQTT topic
CLIENT_ID string - MQTT client identifier
USERNAME string - MQTT username
PASSWORD string - MQTT password
QOS integer 0 MQTT QoS level (0-2)
RTLTCP Options
TUNER float 33.0 Tuner gain (0-50, auto)
RTLAGC boolean false Enable RTL AGC
FREQUENCY integer 0 Frequency in Hz