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Input from file and stdin

AIS-catcher -r -ga [setting value] ...
AIS-catcher -r filename -ga [setting value] ...
AIS-catcher -r format filename -ga setting value ...

Reading from STDIN

AIS-catcher can read input in two ways using the -r switch: from a file by specifying a filename, or from standard input by using either a dot (.) or stdin as the argument:

AIS-catcher -r .

Pipeline example

AIS-catcher can be integrated into command-line processing pipelines for real-time signal processing. For example, you can capture radio signals using rtl_sdr and pipe them directly to AIS-catcher for decoding:

rtl_sdr -s 288K -f 162M  - | AIS-catcher -r . -s 288K -v
You can also perform signal transformations using tools like sox. Here's an example of downsampling a signal before processing:
sox -c 2 -r 1536000 -b 8 -e unsigned -t raw posterholt.raw -t raw -b 16 -e signed -r 96000 - |AIS-catcher -s 96K -r CS16 . -v

As of version 0.36, AIS-catcher includes built-in sox functionality (if compiled with this feature), allowing for built-in usage of sox: bash AIS-catcher -s 1536K -r CU8 posterholt.raw -v -go SOXR on

By default, AIS-catcher expects input files to be in raw unsigned 8-bit IQ format (CU8). You can specify other formats using the FORMAT setting.

NMEA0183 input from file

For a text file with NMEA input, we can use:

AIS-catcher -r txt nmea-file
Or equivalently for illustration purposes:
AIS-catcher -r -ga FORMAT txt file nmea-file

Summary Settings

Key Type Default Description
Generic Options
SAMPLE_RATE integer 1536K Sampling rate in Hz (0-20,000,000)
BANDWIDTH integer 0 Tuner bandwidth in Hz (0-1,000,000), 0 = off
FREQOFFSET integer 0 Frequency correction in PPM (-150 to +150)
FORMAT string CU8 Data type for input source
Specific Options
FILE string - Input file path or "stdin" for standard input
LOOP boolean false Enable continuous file looping