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AirSpy Mini/R2

AIS-catcher [-d serial number] -gm [setting value] ...

The AirSpy Mini/R2 requires careful gain configuration as described here. As outlined in that reference there are three different gain modes: linearity, sensitivity and so-called free. These can be set via the -gmswitch when using the AirSpy.

We can activate 'linearity' mode with gain 10using the following AIS-catcher command line:

AIS-catcher -gm linearity 10
Settings can also be provided per stage:
AIS-catcher -gm lna AUTO vga 12 mixer 12
More guidance on setting the gain model and levels can be obtained in the mentioned link.

Summary Setings

Key Type Default Description
Generic Options
SAMPLE_RATE integer 192K Sampling rate in Hz (0-20,000,000)
BANDWIDTH integer 0 Tuner bandwidth in Hz (0-1,000,000, 0=off)
FREQOFFSET integer 0 Frequency correction in PPM (-150 to +150)
FORMAT string CF32 Data type for input source
Specific Options
SENSITIVITY integer - Sensitivity gain mode (0-21)
LINEARITY integer 17 Linearity gain mode (0-21)
VGA integer 10 VGA gain in Free mode (0-14)
MIXER auto/integer auto Mixer gain/AGC in Free mode (0-14 or AUTO)
LNA auto/integer auto LNA gain/AGC in Free mode (0-14 or AUTO)
BIASTEE boolean false Enable/disable bias tee power